Welcome to "Growth Tides at the Pirate's Roundtable"

Let's solve our Growth Challenges

Join the Sparring Group for Founders and Marketers

03.04.2024 | 16:30 CEST
Free Online Event

Join us for a free 90-minute online session

This interactive event is an opportunity for growth marketers and founders to share experiences, insights, and collaboratively find solutions to accelerate growth.

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The Roundtable in details

Join forces with fellow founders and marketers to conquer the seas of growth.


Experience the focused 90-minute online session


We will solve three real-world growth challenges


Mark this date in your calendar and join us

Share your own challenges with the community

Here are the most popular topics. Choose yours:
1. Reduce Acquisition Costs

Finding cost-effective ways to gain new customers.

2. Expand Your Reach

Strategies to enhance content reach.

3. Use Data to Drive Growth

Leveraging analytics for informed decision-making.

4. Boost Your Conversion Rates 

Tactics to convert more visitors into customers.

The Roundtable is REcurring

We host the Roudtable on every Wednesday of the month.
Here are the next dates:






I met Ben through his amazing Community and Meetup (Pirate Skills) in late 2016.
From that time, I've joined Meetings, Events, Meetups and even Workshops together with Ben and realized how much more he knows that can't be shown in a 60 Minute Meetup.
Just being around this guy makes you work harder and faster.
I will always see Ben as one of my first mentors when it comes to Marketing and Growth.
He has inspired me to do what I do and therefore, I will be always thankful.

Speech in Tollhaus Karlsruhe and the follow-up workshop - in short time he gives a lot of information and tipps around the customer journey.
His knowledge, his empathie - he is a well sparringspartner for speeding up your own business success.
His impact is unique for each client.

Over the years, my connection with Ben Sufiani, started as his daughters' swim coach, has evolved into a fruitful collaboration crucial to my career. Since August 2022, I've benefited from Ben's extensive marketing knowledge, which turned swimly, my online swim school, from a losing venture into a profitable business.

Ben is a hands-on mentor whose intellect and 15 years of marketing experience have supported every aspect of swimly. From developing a solid business strategy, teaching design, to optimizing sales funnels and understanding essential tracking – his advice has always been invaluable.

His unique advice, the weekly diving challenge, has been a real catalyst for attracting customers and improving the product. His focus on conversion rate and customer lifetime value, previously overlooked in my business strategy, has been equally important.

Ben has an extraordinary ability to clearly and understandably convey complex topics. His high standards of excellence and quality have inspired me to always strive for the best. He has the rare gift of motivating others to achieve more.

For anyone ambitious and looking to maximize their potential, Ben is the ideal mentor. His broad knowledge, combined with practical application, makes him a valuable resource for entrepreneurs at any career stage.

Ben, I am deeply grateful for the countless lessons and the lasting change you have brought to swimly and my professional life.

Share your story with us via email.

Learn from Ben Sufiani

Ben Sufiani - Growth Marketer and Founder of Pirate Skills
  • Founder of Pirate Skills + 7 startups since 2009 from mobile app, to e-commerce and SaaS
  • 14 years of expertise as founder and marketer
  • Over 1.000 marketing workshops and coaching sessions with marketing teams from AXA, E.ON, DHL, Bosch, Melitta, Greator, Klarheit, BodyIP, Rencore, IANUS, ...
  • Passionate about Performance Marketing, Analytics, Psychology, Business Strategy
  • LinkedIn | YouTube | Twitter | Instagram


Marketing has been primarily a tool to help my own 8 startups survive and strive. Zero patience for marketing bullshit.


Not only practical startup experience, but the ability and passion to teach founders and marketers all my marketing insights.


I have actually helped founders and marketers to increase their revenue and users both in the millions. Just ask them.

next Roundtable

Chart the Course Roundtable - 05.07.23


From Goals to Growth Marketing Strategies
Master the Art and Science of Growth Marketing.
Made with AARRR 🏴‍☠️ by Pirate Skills in Cologne, Germany